I mean, it’s so ridiculous.
(Coughs.) Really.
OK, so here’s the thing. The Midget and I do often dress the same. But I’ve got to chalk it up to the fact that I’m just lazy. When I get dressed in the morning, I have a hard enough time coming up with one non-garish combination, let alone doing it again for my daughter. So guess what, she winds up wearing something pretty damn similar. It’s not intentional, I swear. It’s even kind of cute at first, but does quickly move towards the embarrassing when the 4th and 5th person of the day comments, “Oh how adorable—Mommy and Baby out in the same clothes.” (Mighty’s gonna just LOVE hearing that as she gets older because Katie Holmes or Angelina Jolie I am not.)

When I was in my 20’s I shopped at Ann Taylor because it made me feel stylish, sophisticated and like a grown up. In my 30’s I now shop at H&M because it makes me feel young, hip and less like an old bag. Honestly, at the rate I’m going, you’ll find me searching for deals at the Gymboree sale rack once I near 40. And with the invention of the Slanket, my adult onesie should keep me comfy as I move into my golden years.
Husband looks me over in my ballet flats, skinny jeans and tee shirt. He shakes his head and I know is wondering if there’s some 80s party he hasn’t been invited to. Sometimes he is wise and recognizes it’s best to let me have my midlife crisis in silence. But I smile when the Midget races in and he comments on her cute she is…in her ballet flats, skinny jeans and tee.
I love Gymboree. I shop there a lot for my daughter. We rarely dress the same.
Oh my. I think those pics just scared me straight.
Yes, I shop at H&M, yes I'm in my thirties and in denial. And no, I didn't just dress my daughter in the same color as me on purpose.
And no, I cannot explain the leggings, strappy shoes, skanky tank outfit I pulled together yesterday. It won't be repeated.
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