Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My name is Jen, but you should call me Zach’s Mom

So this is my latest conundrum: what should I have my kids’ friends call me, and likewise how should I have my kids refer to their friends’ moms and dads?

I don’t know where along the way we lost our manners. When I was growing up it was always “Mr. This” and “Mrs. That.” I never dreamed of calling my parents’ friends by their first names. Whether the Mr. and Mrs. titles subliminally elicited respectful behavior is something my mom would have to answer. But at least it sounded better.

Nowadays we are so psyched—and overanxious—to have our kids start talking, we grab the first and easiest name that we can use. I mean, really, can you imagine sitting around some happy-clappy circle time at Gymboree trying to get your 2 year old to sing “Bye bye Mrs. Really-Long-Multi-Syllable-And-Lots-Of-Consonants-Last-Name”? Get real.

Up until recently I hadn't given this (boring) topic much thought. But with an increasing number of play dates, I’m getting the SUPER AWESOME pleasure of spending too much time with my son’s friends. Five year old boys with attitude like you would not believe.

“Hey Jen. I’m really thirsty. I want some juice.”


“Ugh, Jen. I like my sandwiches withOUT the crusts.”


“Jen? Jen! I just went poo. I need you to wipe my bottom!”

Sweet LORD!

Now, swap out all those commands/demands with a Mrs. M or at least Zach’s Mom instead. Isn’t it just a little less harsh? Obviously the word please would soften the blow tremendously, but let’s not ask for miracles, people.

What do you think? Am I really parenting in the wrong decade? Or are manners something that we can make fashionable again. Like victory gardens. Or even wayfarer sunglasses.

An PS...In case you didn't gather, I'm selling out and calling my kids by their real names. My nicknames are too tough to use, and if all my kids come after me for is libel, I'll consider myself lucky.

1 comment:

Diane J. said...

I think my kids' friends are afraid of me. I get called four things:
1) Mrs. J
2) Omitted name (meaning the kids just don't use a name, period)
3)Mom (My 15-yr. old teen has a couple friends who call me that)
4)*pick a kid's name and insert here* mom. Example "Twin A & B's mom" It's never either or on the twins, it's a dual thing.

I think some of the kids feel comfortable calling me mom because I treat them like my own kids. "Get down here and pick up that dish!" Either that or they are having visions of their own parents.

I tried to do the nice parenting thing, but my house suffered, so now, I just call the kids on their behaviors. "Feet off the couch, be nice, watch your mouth," etc....