Thursday, July 22, 2010

Like a soldier who goes MIA

Yesterday a friend of mine e-mailed and asked what had happened to the Meanest Mom: why no posts? Was it possible that I was no longer mean? That I was out of material?

Rest assured fine people, that is not the case. The number of stories that have gone undocumented over the past few weeks is criminal. (The acts as well as the fact that I haven’t blogged about them.) And though in many ways I welcome the day when I can abandon my dubious title, the Meanest Mom on the Block is still plenty mean. She’s just on a new block. For the time being at least.

God save the Queen? Yes, and all her subjects, too. Team Murdin has come to town and we’ve got our game on.

Stay tuned for more on

Expedition to England, Summer ’10:
2 Weddings +3 Countries + 0 Communication = Infinite Chaos

1 comment:

UnicycleRose said...

Where are you mean old mom? Come back to us!