About Me

I am the meanest mom on the block. It's sad, but true. And it's not that hard to be because:

A) I live in an amazing neighborhood in San Francisco where my mommy friends volunteer to host play dates, willingly baby sit other neighbors' kids, make homemade baby food with organic ingredients grown in their urban gardens, attend child development talks by local social/psychology gurus... The list goes on.


B) I have three children (ages 2, 3, and 5), none of who are in school full time (yet), and all of who hit at my every nerve with a talent that is stunning. Sometimes I swear they must be the secret spawn of Satan. Sometimes.

Anyway, I decided to keep this blog in an effort to catalog my most unfortunate moments as a mom. The moments when I just lose my shit. The moments in which I wish I could muster the extra strength or peace or whatever is needed to be that elusive, better mom. But alas, I am human and fail at a staggering rate, and hope that maybe documenting my blunders will be actually be educational for me. Maybe I'll see a pattern and figure out how to get out of this 5-year cycle of hysteria. If nothing else, after publicly airing my dirty laundry I should be humiliated into getting my act together, right?

And even if all that still fails, maybe it'll give other moms like you a little peace of mind, knowing that YOU are not the meanest mom out there. I am.
Jen stays at home in San Francisco, California, to raise her three kids, Big Man on Campus (BMoC), Middle Man, and the Mighty Midget. She's married to a displaced Englishman who often thinks she is insane.